Frequently Asked Questions

With Answers, Of course..!

You can reach us via our contacts page mentioned above, or write your suggestions and feedback on 'Get in Touch' form in About us page. We have alternative options as well to help you through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Feel free to reach us...!

As customers you can reach us either via contact us forms or social media platforms. We collect your requirements and then proceed with the goal to fulfill the same. We will constantly provide timely updates until the requirements get finish. Please checkout our work flow chart below for better understanding.

Yes, it is true that its possible to begin your own journey in to the world of digital platform. But we here at Y2K try to provide better experience to customers who are not familiar with digital platform and brand promotion acts. By making an online presence for them with exclusive support and care.

We are just a phone call/message/email away. Any idea/requirement/brand development to support your business, we are here to help you with.

We here at Y2K will provide constant updates on the project growth status and timely notions related to the delivering project results. So, we got your covered !

Kindly reach us with your exclusive queries on for further discussion.

Steps of procurement in Y2K


Requirements gathering

Gather customer requirements for the project to get it started as desired !

Project Planning

Planning the customer requirement deliverables with best possible time !


Working on the requirement to match the desired outcome anticipated by the customer !

Project Completion

Hand deliver the results to customer on or before the fixed delivery time window !

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